What to expect
Going to church for the first time can be intimidating, we want to put your mind at ease by letting you know what you can expect. Our Sunday gatherings are casual, encouraging, and focused on Jesus! You're invited to come as you are and wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Services last about an hour. Each service we take time to Open God's Word, Worship together in song, pray together, and remember and celebrate what Jesus has done by taking communion.

Have Kids?
At BCCC we value youth and children and have age specific classes for kids from nursery -high school.
We understand the importance of having a safe place for them to make friends and learn about Jesus together. Kids check-in center is located to the right of the main entrance. Kids are also welcome to sit with parents in service.
We understand the importance of having a safe place for them to make friends and learn about Jesus together. Kids check-in center is located to the right of the main entrance. Kids are also welcome to sit with parents in service.

There is time available before and after each service to meet new friends, catch up with old ones, and share some refreshments and coffee together. We have a great lobby space with an awesome coffee bar!